Monday, May 19, 2008

A BeT tHaT a SuPpOsEd BeSt FrIeNd MaDe

So last night Jessica and I got told about a bet one of her friends has made about us. Yeah this isn't an exciting bet either. It brought my wife down, because this is suppose to be her best friend. Now this I ask, how can anybody make a bet on what she did? It hurts to know that somebody can say something negative like this. Now I know you want to know what the bet is. Well the bet is. "How Long Until Todd & Jessica Get Divorced?"
Yeah I know it's pretty pathetic. Jessica and I aren't going to do anything about it. You know that entry I wrote about drama? Well this is in the drama catergory. As much as we want to call her ask what the hell, we don't. We meant it when we said "I DO" that there means we will be together until death do us part. I don't let it get to me to much, however it does bug me. Obviously she doesn't think we will make it if she is making a bet like that. But hey Jess and I know we are going to make it and that's all that matters. All we need is to beleive. And you know what Jessica is the only person I ever want to be with. I know I am not the easiest to get along with at times, but she sure does stay strong. I'm getting better with my disorder, however it is hard.
So to everyone that is a part of this bet "KISS MY WHITE ASS." We don't need you to bring us down. I love Jessica and she loves me. That is all we need to keep us strong. I would never make a bet about someone that is suppose to be my best friend. I thought some people were different than they are and this goes to show that No Matter Where You Go, There Is Drama. And drama is something Jessica and I do not want in our lives.

On a better note, Jessica and I have pretty much gotten all moved into our new place. I'm sure you can tell by looking at the pictures. We are going to get our couches and computer desk today and we will be done. Oh and the guest bed. So we are doing wonderful now. So I don't care what anyone says. Oh I will put a picture of our new car up as well. It is nice and we love it. Anyways I hope you all have a wonderful day. I have to get to work and pass out some medications to my residents.

Until Next Time

A Bunch Of Flowers Growing In Our Yard

1 comment:

Megan Crosley said...

First let me say...dont listen to that "friend" or the damn bet. You two are so cute together and belong together. I cna not belive some one would bet something like that.
Second, Love the car. It is so cute :D LOL