Monday, July 21, 2008

AlL tHe FuN wAtErSpOrTs

We went boating with my family today and it was so much fun. I haven't been since last year and who knew that Water Skiing would kick my butt the way it did. I went until my legs gave out and then I could not walk. Jessica, Brandilyn, and I rode the Water Weenie and when we went flying off Jessica Elbowed me and I thought I was dying. I could not take a breath, so what do I do I freak out and start crawling on top of Jessica not noticing I was pushing her under the water. Yeah what an eventful day. My legs are burnt, along with my face. How I love these summer days of burning in the sun and regreting it for the next week. And I proved Jessica and Amber wrong. They didn't think I could Water Ski and I was up for a good 20 minutes before not being able to stand anymore. Ha Ha Ha in your face girls. Anyways it was a lot of fun and it brought Jessica and I even closer....Maybe a little to close when I started drowning her thinking I was dying....;)

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