Monday, September 22, 2008

A lItTlE uPdAtE

Well I thought you would like a little update as to what is going on in our lives. Well we are staying with Jessica's parents until we can save up a little money and get on our feet. I am now looking for a new job with more hours and more pay. Jessica is also looking for a new job with more pay. I have bought a 1988 Acura Integra that I want to fix up and make beautiful. I just have to get my license back when I get money on Tuesday. It was suspended due to a past ticket I had forgotten about and never paid. Let's just say that is all taken care of now. Wilbur the Pig is getting bigger in all ways everyday. He eats about fifty meals a day and it goes straight to his gut. Madden is still Madden stuck up and happy. My step-mom is picking Casey up today which is a good thing because after we took him he became a dog sprinkler. Yellow spots EVERYWHERE. I still love the dog though and am glad we had some experience with him. We gave the bird to my cousin Lacy who kindly helped us move out of our house. I will just say Madden and Wilbur will be the only two animals we have until they die. Other than that I am good with two animals at one time. Well that is our little update. Nothing much is new however our lives are still crazy as always. Todd

1 comment:

utmommy23 said...

Hope things start looking up for your guys!

Thanks Jessica for the nice comment that you left for me. :) Doesn't matter that you didn't get little love notes at 9, You've got a great guy now and that's all that matters! :)
Donni :)