Monday, June 16, 2008

Another Day

Well I went and took my ASVAB test for the Army and I am going to retake it in 2 weeks. I did not get the score I need for the career I want. I am going to take my Physical on Wednesday though so I will let you know how that goes....Other than that there isn't really anything new going on in our lives....We got a new PitBull named Puddles and that's about it....


Megan Crosley said...

WHEN did you decide to go to the ARMY???? Why dont I know this LOL

Todd & Jessica Unsicker said...

When I noticed I wasn't doing anything fun with my life....So low and behold I'm going to follow that dream of mine....

Megan Crosley said...

Tor is thinking about joining...any advice for him???

Todd & Jessica Unsicker said...

Advice? Get ready to be nervous. It will be hard from what I hear from my friend. 9 weeks of Basic Training and not seeing the family. Start working out now. Run daily, do push-ups, crutches, stuff like that. The physical kicked my ass because I didn't work out or anything.

Megan Crosley said...

So did you get in??? What does Jessica think???